About Terry Nozick

Welcome to Truth ‘n Wine and thanks for visiting!

I started my journey into the wonderful world of wine in 2010 when I took a class called ‘Everything You Need to Know About Wine’ at the Wine House in West Los Angeles. In this one-evening class, I tasted eight wines, from a simple Rosé to a rich red Bordeaux, and my tasting note were words like ‘yummy’ and ‘delicious.’ To this day, I don’t like tasting notes, but I was quite proud of my first notes, which I have held onto!

After my initial foray into wine classes, I moved on to higher wine education through The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) courses. I quickly achieved certifications in Levels 2 and 3, and ultimately, in 2018, achieved my Level 4 Diploma, one of the proudest achievements of my life. While studying, I began working at the Wine House in West Los Angeles, where, as a salesperson for eight years, I learned everything I needed to know about wine (not! … the joke is that the more you learn, the more there is to learn … and it’s so true!). I am now a wine marketing writer for the Wine House, writing every day about wines and spirits from around the world, and I love it! In my spare time I write this personal blog, Truth ‘n Wine, which I named as an homage to Pliny the Elder, who famously said, “In Wine, there is truth.” Here I write about my wine truths.

There are wine critics and wine writer with enviable palates and amazing wine credentials who provide much-needed wine tasting notes to the masses. I’m not one of them! I write the stories behind the wine – the people, the places, and increasingly the efforts of so many wineries to save the precious earth we live on while also producing this incredible elixir called wine. Topics like sustainability, organic and biodynamic viticulture, minimal intervention wine making, and environmental and human friendliness spark my interest. I also love wine travels, where I can experience up close the various grapes, vineyards, and climatic conditions that allow for the world’s alluring diversity of wine styles, not to mention the various foods and cuisines that go hand-in-hand with the wine.

I hope you enjoy reading my wine truths, and find my stories both informational and entertaining. And, of course, I’d love to hear your wine truths, so I invite you to leave a comment.


Terry Nozick in a wine field
Enjoying a moment in the wild vineyards of La Maliosa, Southern Tuscany.
Signature of Terry Nozick