Sample / Press Trip Policy

Sample / Press Trip Policy

I am pleased to accept samples of wine and wine-related products (e.g., wine gadgets, books) and will include my evaluations of them in a story. I will clearly state that the samples were provided for evaluation. I generally write about positive experiences, so if the products are ones I cannot recommend to readers, I likely will not write about them (this rarely occurs!).

I promise to taste every sample, try every gadget and read every book. If the product appears on my Website, I will include a photo of it, usually taken by me.

Press Trips & Events

I have participated in and am willing to participate in more press trips and wine events. I will clearly disclose details of any trip or event in any posts and again, write about my positive experiences.

I do not accept payment for any of my posts.

My central focus is the stories behind the wines, such as the winery founders, the winemakers, all aspects of viticulture and vinification, regional uniqueness, and biodiversity and sustainability. And, of course, the wines themselves!

The best way to contact me regarding samples, trips and events is to email me at or

Terry Nozick